My Dear One,
You are meant for eternity. This temporal world is just a shadow of the real world I am preparing
for you even now! In your spirit you have desires (core feelings) for greatness, freedom,
creativity, love, joy that you’ve been led to believe are too good to be true, that they aren’t for
you. That your reality is this broken, hurting, desolate world. Those thoughts are lies from the
enemy trying to keep you from your God-given destiny! Your “real reality” is the core feelings
you have been given by Me: That you have a purpose and mission here on earth and in the
ages to come!
What would your life look like if you allowed Me to strip away the hurts, trauma, insecurities
and just truly loved yourself and others the way I love?
You have so many talents and creative ideas that you haven’t used. Let them out! That’s where
your fulfillment will come – in using your gifts to bless and love others. And please know that
ALL of the gifts and talents and secret dreams I’ve planted in you will be used – some in this life
and the rest in the life to come; so don’t feel guilty that you haven’t used them all as you feel
you should have. Know that you will have eternities to use everything my Father has created in
you. Nothing will be lost or wasted. So, step into the destiny I’ve called you to today.
I’m waiting to partner with you to bring beauty, healing and wholeness to this hurting world, my Precious One.
For now, keep your eyes on Me and truly believe these amazing promises that I have for you.
Be wise and alert to the distractions of the enemy, he will try to lure you back into your past
traps. Remember: He is a defeated, fallen being who has very limited time to be here. He is
nothing compared to Me!
Lord, thank You for this fresh revelation of your loving kindness towards me. I feel it in my spirit
that You truly created me special with amazing abilities to do Your glorious work in this world.
I can see how I have been deceived and distracted by the enemy, to be blinded from my true
destiny. I am a treasured and loved daughter of the most high God. I am a royal warrior
I want to know You more. I want to live my everyday life in Your Presence. To be a vessel for
Your love to pour out to others. I’m getting more and more hungry for You Jesus. I’m listening
for Your voice. Give me the strength and power to act accordingly.
In heaven, I know I will be fully my true self. But I can start to become that now. Thank You
Father for more of You and deeper, fresher revelations. What exciting things I have yet to
“….for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their
adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were
beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on
forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.”
~The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis
Ephesians 2:6-7
And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together-joint seating with Himin the heavenly sphere because we are in Christ! He did this that He might clearly demonstrate through the ages to come the immeasurable, limitless, surpassing riches of His free grace in
His kindness and goodness to us in Christ Jesus.
1 John 4:4
Greater is He who is in Me than He that’s in the world. You have the Word of God, the Holy
Spirit, the favor of God and Jesus Christ! Within you is more than enough power to overcome
the evil in this world and any stronghold over you!
John 8:36
So whom the Son sets free is free indeed! You are really and unquestionably free!