Forever Loved…

Forever Loved…

My dear beloved child,

I don’t just love you; I am love! My love for you is so profound that I knew you and created you before the earth itself was made. My thoughts about you outnumber the grains of sand on every beach in the world! And guess what? My love for you is NOT dependent on your behavior. If you stumble or stray, I will still love you just as fiercely and will patiently wait for you to turn back to me in repentance. Just like the father of the prodigal son, I am scanning the horizon, earnestly looking for you to come home, where I will joyfully welcome you back into my embrace. I will not heap guilt or condemnation upon you; instead, I will shower you with forgiveness and love.

I am your first love. Only my love can fill the void within you. The closer you draw to me, the more you will realize this truth. All the insecurity, depression, and loneliness you feel can be washed away by experiencing my true love for you. Throughout your life, you have longed for this love, often seeking it in the wrong places. None of those things can fill the emptiness inside you—only I and my Word can truly satisfy every part of you. 

The fairy tales and stories you cherished growing up offered you a glimpse of the joy you will experience when you are with me. I am your true knight in shining armor, and you are the damsel in distress whom I have rescued from the dark tower of despair. 

Come to me, my child. I am here, loving you and waiting to heal you…

“…..I have deeply loved you with a forever-love; that is why I have been so patient and kind to draw you to my heart. You are precious to me, and I will build you up again.” Jeremiah 31:3-4

Read and meditate on Psalm 139 in The Passion Translation. It’s so powerful! It changed my life forever! I know it will do the same for you!