I see you in chains…
I see you in chains, a slave to your addiction. You wake up in the morning sick, hopeless, desperate for freedom, but at the same time, desperate for your next “fix.” You wonder when and how it will end; how can you be free once and for all?…
Made for Eternity
My Dear One,You are meant for eternity. This temporal world is just a shadow of the real world I am preparingfor you even now! In your spirit you have desires (core feelings) for greatness, freedom,creativity, love, joy that you’ve been led to believe are too good to be true, that…
Beacon in the Storm
Beacon in a Storm My Precious Child,You’ve been going through a hard season where every moment of every day is a hurtle to jumpover. So many obstacles and impossible decisions to make. It feels like you’re living in a neverending storm. Remember: I am your beacon in the storm. Keep…