My Precious Beloved,
In this part of your journey, you only see the wilderness: hardship, lack, sickness. But know that this is your Proving Ground, where you will learn to trust in only Me. Here, you will truly see that this world has no real security or stability. It’s all a facade. It’s only in Me that you will find what your heart has been seeking your whole life—true love, acceptance, and the rock-solid foundation of My Truth.
So dig in your heels! Refuse to give in to fear! Why would you fear when I am with you? I am your solid ground; I am always faithful and true! I will never let you go, not for one instant! Trust in Me alone, not the wilderness you see around you. Keep your eyes fixed on Me and keep My Word always in your heart.
Feel My massive arms of love surrounding you now. Bask in My love for you, My beloved child. Be courageous and strengthened in the knowledge that I am always with you. I will bring you through the wilderness to the land of My promises.
“The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer; my God, my keen and firm Strength in Whom I trust and take refuge, my Shield, and the Horn of my salvation, my High Tower.” (Psalm 18:2 AMPC)
“I repeat, be strong and brave! Do not yield to fear nor be discouraged, for I am Yahweh your God, and I will be with you wherever you go!” (Joshua 1:9 TPT)
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